你好!新关东鱼钩的优缺点 The advantages and disadvantages of the new Guandong fishhook;我的优缺点My Strengths and WeaknessesIt is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improveWe should examine ourselves and learn who we areAbove all,we should。
二缺点 onePersonally Check the Item – If you are one of those shoppers who want to touch, see, and test the product personally, at online shopping, you are not able to do so1亲自检查项目;写作思路将自己的优点和缺点分别详细地罗列出来,比如“我”有一个缺点,那就是“丢三落四”,“我”的优点就是乐于助人等等,语言要通顺连贯,中心要明确正文I have a shortcoming, that is quotforgettingquot, but。
Today,the world becomes more intellective with the technology of we human beingsSo the computers are madeBut whether they are good or not on earth,we can#39t define definitelyThe computer,in my opinion,I;追问老师,还有缺点 追答好 追答On the other hand,some students chat,paly computer games even scan the bad network raher than study但是,有的同学却不是用来学习的,而是用来聊天玩游戏,甚至是浏览不良。
优点热爱生活,爱笑MeritsLove life,love smiles 缺点容易忘记事情Defectseasy to forget things 改正缺点时常提醒自己不要忘记事情How to reviseoften remind myself of not forgetting things。
电视的优缺点 必须承认,电视确给我们的生活带来了巨大变化几乎每天我们都在电视里看各种各样的节目我们需要它们,也很爱看电视能娱乐大众,开阔视野,提供给我们新闻和信息繁重的学习和工作后,我们还可以通过看电视。
关注 展开全部 如何在面试中回答你最大的缺点是什么? 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 其他类似问题20110929 英语面试怎样回答优缺点问题? 4 20180622 如何在英文面试中回答你的缺点 20110211 英。
同时,advantagedisadvantage 优势劣势和优点缺点虽然可以通用,但意思还不太一样“优缺点”可以用 relative merits ,优点 meritsstrong points ,缺点 short comingsweak points,这些在这儿都可以用。
您好,是什么方面教育的有缺点呢教育这个概念太大了拿应试教育来说,优点可以写temper the will of the people磨练意志strengthening fundamental education加强基础教育enhance academic level提高学术水平improve。
Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city People in the city can seefilms, visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to Furthermore, if they want to Become scholars, scientists。
自我评价用英文如何写优缺点 篇2 描述你的优缺点 现在就业市场竞争越来越激烈,要在日趋激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,成为永远的quot胜利者quot,就必须能说一口流利的求职英语,掌握quot面试技巧quot提高面试技巧的#39关键就在于对面试官所要提出的。
which makes me very shy as a boy我这个人优点是非常聪明,什么东西一学就会,脑子非常好使但是我的缺点也很明显,我太瘦了,很多力气活都干不了,连很多女孩子的力气都比我大,这让我身为一个男孩子很害羞。
Advantage 1 Real time interphone function2 Automatic identification function 3 Rumor interception system shortcoming 1 Only one real name information can be bound to a micro signal After binding, the real。